par Nicholas Palffy | 5 Oct, 2012 | General, Social Stuff
La nouvelle campagne de publicité de facebook fait de nos postérieurs des héros…
par Nicholas Palffy | 9 Mai, 2012 | General, Social Stuff
Juste for the fun of it. @a: Andrei Zmievski. Coder, photographer, beer judge and brewer, Russian, and San Franciscan. Software architect at @AppDynamics. @b: Brian Griffing. Hello, My Name is Brian.. I play music.. I tour.. you should come see me play a show! If you...
par Nick | 16 Jan, 2011 | Social Stuff
Excellent article d’Amber Naslund sur la réciprocité sur les réseaux sociaux (The Fallacy of Social Media Reciprocation). En substance, elle dit que l’attention se mérite sur la toile. Le web n’est ni une démocratie ni une société égalitariste. Ce...
par Nicholas Palffy | 28 Juin, 2010 | Social Stuff
Twitter for Business 101: TwtrconView more presentations from Laura « @pistachio » Fitton.
par Nicholas Palffy | 14 Fév, 2009 | Social Stuff
Minimal is a simple white color scheme for twirl. Download the XML file (zipped): minimal The included readme file explains you how to add this color scheme to your Twirl app. You can also read this article to learn more about the customization...
par Nicholas Palffy | 15 Déc, 2008 | Social Stuff
Do consumers really use Twitter? That’s the question that I’ve been asked the most since we released FEED: The Razorfish Consumer Experience Report just over a month ago. Here’s the stat that draws the most attention: 28% of “connected consumers” use Twitter with some...